8:30-8:50 开幕式 信阳师范学院suncitygroup太阳新城315会议室 |
8:50-9:00 合 影 信阳师范学院suncitygroup太阳新城一楼 |
Chair:Shu-Cheng Chang |
9:00-9:50 |
Xiaochun Rong (Rutgers University) |
A New Proof of Gromov's Theorem on Almost Flat Manifolds, and Its Generalizations |
9:50-10:40 |
Peng Lu (University of Oregon) |
Ancient solutions for Andrews' hypersurface flow |
10:40-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Jiazu Zhou |
11:00-11:50 |
Xi Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China) |
The Hermitian-Einstein equation and its applications |
12:00-14:00 |
Lunch |
Chair: Xiaochun Rong |
15:00-15:50 |
Jiazu Zhou (Southwest University) |
L(p,q) Minkowski problems in integral and convey geometry |
15:50-16:40 |
Xinyue Chen (Chongqing Normal Uinversity) |
Some fundamental topics in global Finsler geometry |
16:40-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Qun Chen |
17:00-17:50 |
Yuxin Dong (Fudan University) |
On Eells-Sampson type theorems for subelliptic harmonic maps |
18:00-20:00 |
Dinner |
Chair: Xi Zhang |
8:30-9:20 |
Qingchun Ji (Fudan University) |
Weighted L2-estimates for Dirac type operators. |
9:20-10:10 |
Boyong Chen (Fudan University) |
Curvature and Lp Bergman spaces on complex submanifolds in CN |
10:10-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Jingzhi Tie |
10:30-11:20 |
Pak Tung Ho (Soganag University) |
The positive mass theorem on the three-dimensional CR manifolds |
12:00-14:00 |
Lunch |
Chair: Yuxin Dong |
15:00-15:50 |
Shihshu Walter Wei (University of Oklahoma) |
Harmonicity, Averaging and Their Applications and Generalizations(I) |
15:50-16:40 |
Mao-Pei Tsui (Taiwan University) |
Mini-course on higher co-dimensional mean curvature flows |
16:40-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Xinyue Cheng |
17:00-17:50 |
Jingzhi Tie (University of Georgia) |
A CR Analogue of Yau's Conjecture On Pseudoharmonic Functions of Polynomial Growth |
18:00-20:00 |
Dinner |
Chair: Shihshu Walter Wei |
8:30-9:20 |
Qun Chen ( Wuhan University) |
9:20-10:10 |
Zejun Hu (Zhengzhou University) |
Optimal differential geometric inequalities and characterizations of the contact Whitney spheres |
10:10-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Jingzhi Tie |
10:30-11:20 |
Mao-Pei Tsui (Taiwan University) |
Mini-course on higher co-dimensional mean curvature flows |
12:00-14:00 |
Lunch |
下午自由活动 |
18:00-20:00 |
Dinner |
Chair: Zejun Hu |
8:30-9:20 |
Shihshu Walter Wei (University of Oklahoma) |
Harmonicity, Averaging and Their Applications and Generalizations(II) |
9:20-10:10 |
Nan Li (New York City Technical College) |
10:10-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Daguang Chen |
10:30-11:20 |
Qiming Yan (Tongji University) |
Moving targets problems in Nevanlinna theory and |
12:00-14:00 |
Lunch |
Chair: Qingchun Ji |
15:00-15:50 |
Daguang Chen (Tsinghua University) |
Eigenvalue Estimates of the Dirac operator and Rigidity of Poincare-Einstein Metrics |
15:50-16:40 |
Guoxin Wei (South China Normal University) |
Complete $\lambda$-hypersurfaces in Rn+1 |
16:40-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Jui-Tang Chen |
17:00-17:50 |
Yibin Ren (Zhejiang NormalUniversity) |
A Sub-Laplacian Comparison Theorem and Its Application |
18:00-20:00 |
Dinner |
Chair: Boyong Chen |
8:30-9:20 |
Zhizhang Wang (Fudan University) |
The entire spacelike hypersurfaces with constant Weingarten curvature in the Minkowski space |
9:20-10:10 |
Chin-Tung Wu (National PingTung University) |
Weighted CR Reilly formulae |
10:10-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Qun Chen |
10:30-11:20 |
Yong Luo (Wuhan University) |
Rigidity of CSL submanifolds in the unit sphere |
12:00-14:00 |
Lunch |
Chair: Chin-Tung Wu |
15:00-15:50 |
Guangsheng Yu (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology) |
Upper Bounds of GCD Counting Function for Holomorphic Maps |
15:50-16:40 |
Yen-Chang Huang (Xinyang Normal University) |
Cauchy surface area formula in pseudohermitian geometry
16:40-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Yingbo Han |
17:00-17:50 |
Jui-Tang Chen (Taiwan Normal University) |
18:00-20:00 |
Dinner |