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2024年报告55:山西大学张菊平教授——Dynamic analysis and optimal control of HIV/AIDS model considering the first 95% target

时间:2024-11-06 12:36:32 来源:suncitygroup太阳新城 作者: 阅读:

报告题目Dynamic analysis and optimal control of HIV/AIDS model considering the first 95% target




报告摘要:Based on the level of awareness of the population, an HIV/AIDS model is developed, which focused on the first 95% plan developed by UNAIDS. The threshold R0 of model and the expressions of the disease-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium are calculated, proving the existence of backward bifurcation. Backward bifurcation is caused by the imperfect protection rate of susceptible population due to education. Using Chinas actual data for parameter fitting, it is found that new HIV infections are on an upward trend. In response to this phenomenon, publicity and education, condoms, screening and treatment of infected populations are considered as control measures. It is concluded that publicity and education is the primary strategy. This measure can not only effectively reduce the number of infected populations, but also effectively increase the awareness rate of HIV-infected populations. It is recommended to use condoms and have fewer sexual partners during sexual contact. Numerical simulation verifies that early stage publicity and education are much more important than post-infection screening and treatment measures.

报告人简介:张菊平,山西大学教授,博士生导师,York University博士后,山西省“三晋英才”,主要从事传染病的数学建模、分析及复杂网络上传播动力学研究。在JMBBMBMBSJTB等期刊发表论文50余篇,获山西省科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖2项,主持或完成国家自然科学基金4项,省部级项目6项,参与国家基金重点项目2项等。